Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Getting the Crowd

This week SoHo Experiential is launching the third season of one of our flagship programs, Celebrate The Macallan, a private scotch whisky tasting event featuring The Macallan Scotch Whisky.

It’s events like these that get us excited, because they’ve been proven to work hard for our clients, and the consumers who attend have a great time. Moreover, it reinvigorates the OCD level obsessions of each SoHo team member. Jeff, for example, will be down in Dallas, ensuring that each person at the event implements his “head on a swivel” event management technique, so that the evening will progress flawlessly. Yaz will likely be steaming tablecloths, straightening uniforms, and arranging flowers so that the event space meets her high decorative standards.

My obsession, however, comes with driving attendees into the event. You’d think it would be easy to compel people to come to an event where they will taste several of the best whiskies in the world for free, but sadly, it’s not. What’s this world coming to, really?

You know what’s even crazier? The fact that less than half of those who say they will attend, actually come out to the event. It’s bananas. So we end up planning for less than half of RSVPs attending, while simultaneously planning what we would do if there were some sort of celestial event that causes everyone to show. It’s never happened yet, but I know it’s out there.

So this week, we’re expecting once again that the math is right, that we hit our goals, and the program launches well.

We’re never worried too much though, as we always can go to plan B: Contract this guy – who gets crowds – guaranteed. You must watch.

We hope you have a great summer.

Stay tuned for more!



  1. My favorite part is when he says that it took him 25 years to design the card. :-)

  2. I guess no one told him people HATE business cards that don't fit in their card holders...even if they are die cut, foil stamped with a pop up person. But my kids would LOVE it!!!
